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[Music] ladies and gentlemen these are the screen match ruby slippers lot 182 let’s opening the bit at 1, 550,000 1,550 now to go to 16 now to go to 1 Point what do you have okay that’s a nice ...
[Music] are you all living around here we live in Texas in Texas Texas from Japan I don’t believe are you having an enjoyable time in love very much I do hope you make the most of thank you so ...
I know everyone’s been so worried that we don’t have furniture you know no shut up look what is that that’s our chair so uh let I’m get it twisted
I’m grateful for him for his example that he gave me in his marriage to Margaret I saw the way he looked at her when he met her and he’s a big reason why I waited so long to get ...
you’re watching game grumps but you can find us on the Grumps at youtube.com/ theeg Grumps you can you can find it you can find them in your walls find them in my house deep in the night Ed Ethan’s ...
I’m relieved and surprised to see how all this geopolitical events haven’t really um trigger any more uh chain events and and consequences also in financial markets so that’s positive so I I think that uh but one cannot be ...
cuz the play is going to play play play play play ha is going hate hate hate hate hate baby I’m just to sh shake shake shake sh [Music]