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today I tricked my friend with realistic Minecraft a few hours ago I told my friend there’s a new Minecraft update but in reality there’s not instead I created a server with mods like realistic weather realistic gravity which causes ...

today my friend Ary found a spunky game that had some of the sprun labeled as missing upon solving a code it unlocked a secret layer that was hiding in the background D thanks for showing up look at this ...

today we explore the entire lore of sprun through a modded game that lets us drag any character in and a TV starts playing an animation for its origin story shout out to game tunes for making all of these ...

today we are back on sprun but this time it’s different we found a normall looking sprun game that had a secret it was hiding a door that led to an entirely new room within sprun stick around until the ...

today we destroyed the Earth not literally of course this is a game called solar Smash and you can use insane weapons to destroy the entire world you can even throw other planets at it stick around until the end ...

I might be the only one that has wondered this but what are the sprun looking at it’s a 2d game so all we see is a background but what if there is something Secret in front of them today ...

today a new update is out on toilet Tower Defense and they have added a brand new Ultimate the quantum cameraman is in the summon area with a 0.01% Chance of unlocking so today Ary and I are going to ...

so there’s this game called incredibox and there’s a mod for it called spunky essentially you drag a character in and it starts making music all right let’s first test out this orange guy he’s orange now but it goes ...

oh oh you just lasered me on the mobile version of Roblox Rivals you can increase the a assist strength essentially creating the effect of Aimbot with the a assist you can move around and it will track the player ...

the other day in our Roblox group I saw Ary posted tryouts for his clan in Rivals now you know what I had to do troll his clan as an undercover dke but I’m not exactly a pro at Rivals ...

today the new update is out on toilet Tower Defense and I am unlocking every single new unit we have brand new developer units with the rarest one being telanthric himself and we also have new drill booster units that ...

the new Ultimate Titan drill dragon is currently the rarest unit in toilet Tower Defense and today I’m going to be trolling Ary with it I messaged him to record a video where we recruit as many Rich players to ...