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so atro released a game it’s a fan game called get to work and I’ve seen a lot of different people play it I’ve seen a lot of random ass people play it low key like Papa plot played it ...
did you know for $11,000 you could rent a plane and put any message behind that plane and if you happen to be hanging out with kaat you could make it a message special to him and if you happened ...
you know on Steam there are thousands of games games that you love games that have lasted Generations but there are also a different group of games games that have never been reviewed maybe they’ve been played by the developer ...
last year I ran an event called the world’s greatest gamer and although the event was a success I left with mixed feelings you see I wasn’t actually sure you could call void the winner the world’s greatest gamer I ...
okay guys you’ve heard of My League of Legends journey and recently it’s not going so well we have a bit of a red wave people were saying it would be a red Mirage well they wereing wrong okay we’re ...
yo what is up yo hello hello how you doing chat what is up no twitch not yet not yet how was Thanksgiving mine was good mine was good I was in France with my uh French family is my ...
boys you guys know that occasionally I like to do some sponsored content okay you know I like to make a little money around here and a lot of the sponsors who reach out to me want me to play ...
than oh hello hello can you guys hear me the title is not a lie this is the last stream I’m going to be doing on this channel before my YouTube contract ends that is true that is a fact ...