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is like you’d have I mean we’d have champagne in the office popping like a kid signs and you’re like popping champagne I mean f go somewhere else no one slept in college football I mean right I mean I ...
I can give less than a damn about what Dak Prescott had to say about that why don’t you go out Dam win for him wouldn’t be a discussion very very simple you’ve been a head coach you’ve been a ...
rock paper scissors same game okay it’s poker but there’s only three options and you can hold the nuts every single time I’m telling you exactly what’s coming at least the first two times every once in a while you ...
for the league to make some of the commentary that the made about lack of sportsmanship lack of coachability lack of paying attention to the rules quite frankly it’s embarrassing so I think the big thing from our and I ...
I can give less than a damn about what Dak Prescott had to say about that why don’t you go out there win for him wouldn’t be a discussion very very simple you’ve been a head coach you’ve been a ...
that overwhelmed the fact that they won big games against good opposition I think overwhelmed the the committee in favor of them over Miami who lost two of its last three against Georgia Tech in Syracuse you know what Paul ...
You Think You Seen It All You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
always brings it uh you know just very positive guy keeps us together uh we have so many leaders on the team uh and the chemistry is off the roof so uh we just getting started but it’s fun
Mo V doing a good job there’s the bumping says all right let me just my little right here
[Applause] about a six-second difference between the shot clock and what’s left in the half Hunter spins Fades and hits it this first half and a big time shot to in the half a 142 run the last five and ...